Spiritual Mentor Program

New Class Starting January 2024

Sharing the Journey…

The Spiritual Mentor Program (SMP), a Catholic faith-based adult formation course centered on the human, spiritual, theological, and pastoral pillars of formation, has been newly established to awaken and enliven Christian disciples on their spiritual journey. The objective of the program is to deepen the spirituality of individuals and prepare them to support and mentor others on their faith walk. Drawing on the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church and the writings of saints, mystics and religious masters throughout the centuries, the curriculum will explore what it means to be Christ’s beloved disciple, and how to faithfully live out that calling amid the noise of the modern world.

He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. (John 21:17)

Are you seeking authentic spiritual growth and/or renewal? Do you want to become a true disciple of Christ and help guide others to become better disciples as well? Whether you desire to simply grow in your own faith and/or mentor others on their spiritual walk, the Spiritual Mentor program (SMP) will prepare you for the journey. Through intensive study, purposeful prayer, faith formation and ongoing fellowship, the program will challenge you to dig deeper into the heart of the Gospel as we learn to sincerely respond to Jesus’s command to feed his sheep.

I started the Spiritual Mentoring Program (SMP) not sure how the program would add value to me. I researched Spiritual Direction Programs previously and knew I didn’t want to be a Spiritual Director. As I began my journey in the SMP my purpose became clear I 1) wanted to accompany others in my environments and in my executive coaching practice in prayerful reflection and conversation as they attend to God’s presence and calling in their lives, 2) I wanted resources 3) I wanted to be confident in my art of spiritual mentoring and 4) I was looking for growth and spiritual maturity. The program changed my life because I was able to accomplish all the forementioned. I was able to do it with a community of men and woman who grew alongside me.  (I found my people). The Spiritual Mentorship Program helped me to strengthen the gift of spiritual discernment.

Topics Covered in the Program

Identity – The world wants us to define who we are by our success or failure. God wants us to see who we really are – His children.

Prayer – Conversation with God is the most important part of our spiritual growth – especially listening to our Father in heaven.

Spirituality – What is this? Simply put, it is our relationship with Jesus.

Morality – How do we know what is right or wrong and how do we practically live this out?

Catholic Social Teaching – We cover the principles of church teaching which are centered around the protection and dignity of all human life.

Discernment – Is that God talking or me – how to tell the difference?

Spiritual Warfare – The devil is real, and he does not want us to go to heaven. We explore how to recognize spiritual attacks and what should be done to help guard against them.

Suffering – Saint Pope John Paul II wrote about suffering in his encyclical ” Salvifici Doloris”. He talks about the redemptive value of suffering. We will explore in this class how to help those who are going thru suffering or accompanying someone else.

Addiction – In this powerful class, we talk about the 12-step program and how the sacraments are an integral part of this journey.

Grief / Death / Dying – Our time here on earth is but a pilgrimage to our homeland which is heaven. Grief and dying are a part of this journey. In this class, we explore the grieving process and how we can help people through the process.

Forgiveness / Shame / Guilt / Reconciliation – We hear in the Our Father prayer that we are forgiven to the measure we have forgiven. In this class, we will explore how God shows us the true meaning of forgiveness.

Relationships in a Complex World – In today’s society, the nature of relationships has grown complex. In particular, we will focus on the meaning and value of marriage.

Anger / Resentment / Surrender – There is a difference between being angry about something versus being angry and wanting some sort of retribution. We explore the complexities of anger and how to effectively overcome them.

Desolation / Loneliness / Solitude – These terms often get confused for one another. In this class, we explore the differences and why they are important to identify in mentoring someone.

Gifts / Charisms – What is the difference between these two and why? How can we invest in both, to inflame our spiritual lives.

Charity – We are all called to love. Sometimes this does not feel so easy. It this class, we will discuss what it means to truly will the good of another.

If you have a desire to grow in deeper intimacy with Jesus, then the Spiritual Mentor Program is for you. The program is a “deep dive” into our beautiful faith in exploring marriage, love, suffering, spiritual warfare, forgiveness, identity, and so much more! Go ahead and begin a personal journey with a new spiritual family where you safely explore who you are as a beloved child of God.  When I started this program, I worried that my brokenness and everyday worries would be a barrier to that deeper life in Jesus. I have never been so wrong! God uses our brokenness for incredible things, and through the Eucharist, Jesus partakes in that very brokenness.  He is the source of all my strength. In 2 Corinthians, Paul calls God the “God of all encouragement who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction.”   You will learn how Jesus can use you to bring others closer to Him.  Have no doubt, this is a challenging journey, but the reward is eternal.  Answer this one, critical question:  Will I let Jesus be the answer to everything and lean into Him fully, or just trust in myself?     

What are the Four Pillars?

  • Human – developing your personality to be a bridge and not an obstacle in helping others encounter Christ
  • Intellectual – intensifying your knowledge of the faith, tradition and the doctrine of the Church, through intensive, systematic study
  • Spiritual – establishing and nurturing practices to advance your personal relationship with Christ and your commitment to the mission of the Church
  • Pastoral – developing your capacity for ministry to others; witnessing the Gospel to all, especially the poor, needy and those on the fringes of society

If you are seeking intimate relationship with God and desire to help others do the same, I highly recommend enrolling in the Spiritual Mentor Program offered through the St. Clare Retreat Center in Buckroe Beach, VA. Not only will you be renewed spiritually, you will also, in a profound way, form deep bonds of relationships with others who deeply love and seek God. You will experience tremendous growth spiritually as you explore each topic offered through this program which will cause you to be refreshed in our God – as if by a “New Resurrection.” This “New Resurrection of your spirit, by God, will allow you to journey with each person that He puts in your life, equipping you to walk in faith with them, mentoring them in the power of God’s Holy Spirit of Truth, in the Name of Jesus, in the love of our Heavenly Father’s Heart – walking with them, helping guide them to our Triune God’s Divine Purpose for their life. The next program begins January 2024, so I encourage you to sign up now in order to begin this wonderous journey of intimacy with God, which equips you to bring others to Him.

A Typical Class includes …

Gather & Social Time -Building Community

Morning Prayer

Large Group Discussion on Takeaways from Readings

Morning Presentation No. 1

Morning Presentation No. 2

Adoration with Praise & Worship

Afternoon Presentation

Spiritual Direction Practice

When I began the Spiritual Mentor Program, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.  I knew that I wanted to deepen my spirituality. On the day of the first session, I was in a room with some people I knew and some that I didn’t.  In the 18 months of the course, all in the course became close friends.  People from all walks of life and all ages found that they had one important thing in common.  They all wanted to deepen their relationship with our Lord. During the Spiritual Mentor Program, we went through many areas.  We studied marriage, love, suffering, spiritual warfare, forgiveness, identity and much more.  It was a very in depth and intense look at how events in our life affect our relationship with God.  We all learned that no matter how people may seem on the outside, we all have problems.  It was during this 18 month journey that we all learned to listen, reflect and help guide each other.  We learned that even though we might have the weight of the world on our shoulders, through our Lord, we can work our problems out.  The ability to talk with others with a love of our Lord has become addictive and uplifting. By the end of the Program there were no strangers in the room.  We all had grown to know and love and respect each other. In addition, my relationship with our Lord had grown much stronger. If you are looking for a deeper relationship with our Lord and a better understanding of how you can make it happen, then I highly recommend that you take this program.  It is life changing.

Our next class will start in January of 2024. For more information, reach out to us through our Contact Page HERE.

Are you interested in receiving spiritual mentoring? If so, reach out to us via our Contact Page.